

发表时间: 2020-10-22 18:53


琉璃佛珠貔貅手链(收于2017年)琉璃,亦作"瑠璃"; 古人叫它"五色石";国外也称艺术玻璃;以人造水晶为原料,在1000多度的高温下烧制而成的稀有装饰品。中国琉璃艺术历史悠久,最早文字记载可以追溯到唐代;唐朝韦应物《咏琉璃》中描写"有色同寒冰,无物隔纤尘"就传达出琉璃灿烂夺目的诱人风采。《新唐书·南蛮传下·骠》:"有百寺,琉璃为甓,错以金银,丹彩紫鑛涂地,覆以锦罽,王居亦如之";到了元代,博山琉璃生产已形成一定规模;1914年,山东省第一届物品展览会上,博山送展的铺丝料货等产品获最优褒奖金牌;晶莹剔透的琉璃花球奇妙莫测,被誉为"开不败的鲜花"。2008年6月,琉璃烧制技艺入选国务院批准文化部确定的第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

此手链,思想、情感与艺术融为一体:黑色的深邃莫测加琉璃的精致细腻,古代传统文化"貔貅"与现代艺术的结合,体现了东方人的含蓄。在某种意义上,也是一种人格、精神和境界的象征,寄托着人们的美好心愿:《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》:"愿我来世得菩提时,身如琉璃,内外明彻,净无瑕秽"。Coloured glaze, also called "glass"; The ancients called it "five colors stone"; Foreign countries are also called art glass; A rare ornament made of artificial crystal and fired at a high temperature of over 1,000 degrees. Chinese glass art has a long history, and the earliest written records can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty;In Tang Dynasty Wei Yingwu's "Ode to glass", the description of "color with cold ice, no object separated from the fine dust" conveys the attractive style of brilliant and dazzling glass. In the new book of Tang Dynasty, biography of Nanman, Biao: "There are hundreds of temples, glass for the brick, inlaid with gold and silver, Dan Color Purple painted bottom, covered with brocade, such as Wang Ju "; By Yuan Dynasty, Boshan glass production had formed a certain scale. In 1914, at the first goods exhibition in Shandong Province, products such as silk paving materials sent by Boshan won the best gold medal; Glittering and translucent glass flower balls are wonderful and unpredictable, and are known as "unbeatable flowers". In June 2008, the glass firing technology was selected into the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list approved by the State Council.

This bracelet is a combination of thought, emotion and art: the profundity of black and the exquisiteness of coloured glaze, and the combination of ancient traditional culture and modern art, which reflects the implicature of oriental people. In a sense, it is also a symbol of personality, spirit and realm, bearing people's good wishes: "Pharmacist's Sutra of Meritorious Merit": "I hope that when I get Bodhi in the afterlife, I will be like glass, clear inside and outside, clean and innocent".